The Bountiful Artist Monthly Membership by Joanna Baker

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

→ You've always wanted to learn how to draw but staring at a blank page feels intimidating and you don't know where to start

→ You're intrigued by brush markers and want to learn more about this amazing medium

→ You have all of these ideas and dreams of creating beautiful things but you just don't know how to get them onto paper

→ You'd like to explore your creative side but need some help making time for yourself

→ You've been enjoying our Community Art Classes replays and don't want our time together to end!

→ You wish there was someone to give you a little direction, inspire you to push past the stumbling blocks and learn how to make consistent progress

→ You're curious about what it's like to run a business as a full time artist and would love to learn more

If you answered yes to any of the statements above, this space was made for you!

The Bountiful Artist

Build Your Artistic Confidence, Nurture Your Creativity & Develop a Unique Illustration Style

within a Supportive Community of Fellow Creatives

The Bountiful Artist Monthly Membership by Joanna Baker
I'm thrilled that you're here and can't wait to introduce you to my monthly illustration membership, The Bountiful Artist! This nurturing space grew organically from the Community Art Classes I hosted each week during the beginning of quarantine in 2020 and it is now a wonderful place to learn, share, and grow alongside fellow creatives.

There are already a bunch of lovely artists creating beautiful artwork, learning new skills, and working towards discovering their own personal styles inside our membership right now. And we are all so ready to welcome you to our inspiring creative community.

Join The Bountiful Artist Monthly Illustration Membership with Joanna Baker

Give Your Creativity the Chance to Thrive

Creativity exists inside of each of us and making art is a beautiful way of celebrating it! But sometimes it's hard to get started, that blank page is intimidating. Or you pick up your pencil to start sketching and the further you go, the more discouraged you get.

That's where The Bountiful Artist steps in - a mentoring resource & community space with easy-to-absorb drawing lessons, creative challenges, behind the scenes peeks inside my full time art business, and monthly Q&A's that will help you make sustainable progress along your illustration journey!

A Safe Space to Grow & Share Your Work

Sharing your work with the world can be scary and intimidating. Will the internet judge me? Will anyone even notice my art? Is my work even good enough to share?

This is a safe space where you can ask questions, learn, and grow alongside other wonderfully supportive people without fear of judgement while you’re in the beginning stages of developing your point of view as an artist or illustrator.

Join The Bountiful Artist Monthly Illustration Membership with Joanna Baker
Join The Bountiful Artist Monthly Illustration Membership with Joanna Baker

Get Individualized Feedback & Guidance

Creativity thrives when you allow new ideas and inspiration into your space. Why go it alone, isolated, without support from others? The magic of The Bountiful Artist lives in the community.

No need to let roadblocks trip you up and keep you from creating. Having a hard time achieving a certain technique? Post about it on our Private Facebook Group & get helpful feedback.

It's one of the things that separates this membership from a traditional online course (and actually works beautifully when paired together with my in-depth online illustration classes).

What's Included in the Membership?

Each monthly session contains four modules, delivered weekly

Week 1: Guided Illustration Lesson

Week 2: Creative Challenge

Week 3: Behind-the-Scenes

Week 4: Q&A + Gentle Critique

Guided Illustration Lessons

Guided Illustration Lessons

Each month, you'll receive an exclusive video tutorial with step-by-step instructions for creating an illustration based on a new theme.

At around an hour long, each lesson is designed to gently fit within with your existing lifestyle. Learn how to fine tune your brush marker techniques and improve your drawing skills on a variety of subjects.

Creative Challenges

Creative Challenges

Implement all that you've learned in the guided lessons and discover your point of view as an artist with creative challenges. Share your work and get feedback in our private Facebook Group!

These monthly prompts will encourage you to create new artwork beyond the guided lessons and keep you working towards developing your own unique illustration style.

Behind the Scenes Peeks

Behind the Scenes

I've been an artist for as long as I can remember, but a professional artist for the past eight years. And I've learned so much along the way that can help you avoid wasted time, frustration, and money. I don't share this insider information anywhere else. This is a great way for you to see what it's like to work as a full-time artist and learn how you can pursue your own artistic goals!

You'll get exclusive peeks into how I put collections together, come up with new ideas, organize my workspace, share my work to grow my Instagram, scan my work and edit it in Photoshop, turn my artwork into products, develop healthy creative habits and so much more.

Live Q&A Meetups on Zoom with Joanna

Q&A + Gentle Critique

Every month, members can submit their questions and work for gentle critique. I'll pick 3-4 submissions and show you how I would tackle them through mini drawing tutorials in a pre-recorded format. If you're having a hard time achieving a certain technique or figuring out how to draw a specific subject, this is your chance to get help working through specific trouble spots so you don't stay stuck.

Once each quarter, I'll also open my studio for a live working session and Q&A on Zoom to help you work through issues in real time. This gives us a chance to connect with one another, share what we're working on and ask questions in a relaxed environment.

We'll cover a wide range of illustration topics throughout the year so you'll get a taste of multiple subject matters.

• Clothing
• Flowers
• Accessories
• Beauty
• Home Decor
• Animals
• Travel
• Sweet Treats
• Shoes
• Fashion Figures
• Mythical Creatures
• Illustrated Scenes

...and much more! Each of these topics was specifically chosen as a way to practice a variety of illustration techniques and feel a sense of satisfaction when you've created a beautiful piece of artwork!

Want to Know Exactly What We'll Be Covering?

Get a week-by-week overview including the lessons we'll be covering, creative challenge prompts and behind-the-scenes peeks.

You'll get the chance to go beyond the monthly drawing tutorials, explore your unique point of view as an artist and see what it's like in my business as I pull back the curtain and share my experience as a full-time working artist.

I'm super excited to share a year's worth of inspiring illustration content with you. Click the button below to view our monthly syllabus and see all the wonderful things to come...

**And a brand new syllabus for 2025-2026 with even more fresh lessons will be published in the new year!**

Explore the Archives

When you join, you’ll gain instant access to 53 months of existing content!

That's over 100 hours worth of Guided Illustration Lessons, Creative Challenges, Behind the Scenes peeks & Q&A's for you to get started. Here are some of the topics we’ve already covered inside the membership...

What's Inside The Bountiful Artist

Let's Take a Tour of the Membership!

What's Inside the Membership Right Now? See All the Lessons We've Covered So Far...

  Introduction - Start Here!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #1 - Flowers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #2 - Drinks
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #3 - Shoes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #4 - Fashion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #5 - Home Decor
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #6 - Sweet Treats
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #7 - Animals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #8 - Lifestyle Decor
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #9 - Beauty
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #10 - Accessories
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #11 - Illustrated Scenes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #12 - Sharing Your Work
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #13 - Flowers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #14 - Drinks
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #15 - Shoes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #16 - Fashion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #17 - Home Decor
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #18 - Sweet Treats
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #19 - Animals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #20 - Lifestyle Decor
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #21 - Beauty
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #22 - Accessories
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #23 - Illustrated Scenes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #24 - Clothing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #25 - Flowers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #26 - Travel
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #27 - Mythical Creatures
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #28 - Fashion Figures
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #29 - Home Decor
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #30 - Shoes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #31 - Sweet Treats
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #32 - Patterns & Textures
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #33 - Beauty
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #34 - Accessories
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #35 - Clothing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section #36 - Illustrated Scenes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #37 - Flowers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #38 - Travel
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #39 - Mythical Creatures
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #40 - Sweet Treats
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #41 - Fashion Figures
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #42 - Shoes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #43 - Home Decor
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #44 - Figures in Motion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #45 - Beauty
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #46 - Accessories
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #47 - Clothing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #48 - Travel
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #49 - Flowers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #50 - Cityscapes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #51 - Pets
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #52 - Sweet Treats
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #53 - Fashion Figures
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #54 - Shoes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session #55 - Interiors
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Drawing Demo Library
Available in days
days after you enroll

Sounds amazing, right?

Before you dive in, let's make sure this membership community is right for you.

The Bountiful Artist is a perfect fit if you are...

Looking for brush marker illustration instruction that won't overwhelm and you can learn in smaller chunks over time

Really want to make sustainable progress in your artistic abilities and improve your technique

In need of fresh weekly content to keep you inspired and motivated to create

Looking for mentorship to help you tackle trouble spots in your own artwork

Feeling lost when it comes to your personal artistic style... what is it and how do you find it?

Longing for a creative community to share ideas, get helpful feedback, and make lasting connections

 You'd like to keep drawing together and build on your knowledge from our Community Art Classes

You'd love to learn more about the business side of making art


You'll Get Instant Access to all our Community Art Class Replays!

The Bountiful Artist by Joanna Baker
That's over 34 additional hours of illustration instruction videos that you can watch right away! Learn everything from how to render statement earrings to colorful butterflies and a delicious slice of cake. There are a total of 32 lessons available to practice as soon as you join.

  • Floral Inspired Shoe
  • Braided Hairstyle
  • Peonies
  • Statement Earrings
  • Spring Ballet Flats
  • Decorated Easter Eggs
  • Basic Fashion Face
  • Flowing Hair Style
  • Iconic Quilted Bag
  • Sprinkled Cupcake
  • Basket Bags
  • Sunflowers
  • Hydrangea Bloom
  • Ginger Jar
  • Tulips
  • Fancy Cakes
  • Flower Crown Bunny
  • Butterfly Inspired Shoe
  • Spring Inspired Shoe
  • Ballerina Tutu
  • Sapphire & Pearl Earrings
  • Colorful Butterflies
  • Slice of Cake
  • Fuzzy Duckling
  • Crocus Flower
  • Sprinkled Donut
  • Rose Gold Glitter Heels
  • Floral Spring Wreath
  • Puppy & Butterfly
  • French Pastry
  • Denim Sandal
  • Hellebore Flower
The Bountiful Artist by Joanna Baker
Meet Your Teacher

Hi there, I'm Joanna!

I've had the honor of creating custom artwork for businesses and personal commissions for individual clients since launching my illustration business in 2015. I am a self represented artist and sell my illustrations on a variety of products via my online shop and in partnership with other brands through multi-national licensing agreements.

Over the past few years, I've also had the privilege of teaching students all over the world how to draw in my online illustration classes. Creating art is such a joyful process and I truly believe that it must be shared!

After creating an impromptu Community Art Class series at the beginning of the pandemic, I saw a need for a continuing illustration community, a safe place where we could all learn and grow together.

And that's how The Bountiful Artist came to be!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is The Bountiful Artist for?

This membership is for those looking to improve their illustration skills while receiving support and guidance within a creative community. Whether you're just starting out and are new to marker illustration or you're well along on your journey but don't want to do it alone, this is the perfect place to make gentle, consistent progress over time.

What happens after I join?

You'll receive an email invitation to join the learning platform and login to the membership. There you'll gain instant access to all the existing content including ten months worth of lessons, creative challenges, behind the scenes peeks, and Q&A replays, plus all the lessons in the Drawing Demo Library as well as an invitation to join our Private Facebook Group. We'll start a new session with fresh content on September 23rd.

How is this different from your online illustration courses?

This is a monthly membership for those seeking community and a place to gradually grow their skills over time. It is not an in-depth course on a single topic. If that's what you're looking for, I highly recommend taking one of my online illustration courses. That being said, if you are already enrolled in an online illustration class, this community is the perfect way to continue growing alongside or after the course material ends.

Do I need Copic Markers to make the most of class or can I use other art supplies?

All the lessons will be taught using primarily brush tip markers, colored pencil and ink. I'll be using Copic Sketch markers, but there are so many other more affordable brush tip marker brands out there that will work. You can find alternate brands outlined in the Materials List and I also recapped alternatives to Copics in this blog post. Most alcohol brush marker brands can be combined in a single illustration without too much of an issue. You can also apply many of the basic elements I teach throughout the lessons to mediums like colored pencil, pastels, watercolor, gouache, and more. You'll find that from time to time I'll utilize different materials to create unique effects.

How is the content delivered?

All the membership content will be posted on this platform hosted by Teachable, my online learning partner. Content is released Mondays at 12:00pm EST each week to provide a gradual drip of information over time and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. You can look ahead on the Syllabus in the Introduction Module to see what themes and lessons are coming up next. If you've finished the content for the week and are looking for further learning, I suggest browsing the lessons in previous Sessions or visiting our Drawing Demo Library and practicing your techniques.

Do I need to have Facebook?

Nope! All the course content will be published in the online learning platform including replays of Live Q&A's. However, the Private FB Group is your resource for getting questions answered more frequently and having the support of a creative community.

How often will Joanna be interacting with the community?

I'll be in our Private FB Group each week answering questions and providing feedback on work that you post. This part of the membership is where the magic happens and I'm thrilled to be apart of your progress as an artist!

Will I be billed the same amount automatically each month (or year)?

Yes! To keep things simple and easy, your method of payment will automatically process on the same day of the month (or year depending on which payment plan you chose) when you initially enrolled. Yearly subscribers will get a subscription reminder email 6 days prior to their renewal.

Will my price ever increase?

Nope! The price you pay when you join is the price you will pay for the duration of your membership. However if you should decide to leave the membership and then return, you will be subject to whatever the price is at the time that you re-enroll.

Do you have a return policy?

I offer a 14 day return policy on all online courses and memberships. If you have made a good faith effort to participate in the first 14 days after your initial enrollment and have not learned anything new, please reach out to me directly: [email protected] and I will cancel your membership and offer a full refund in the same payment form that was used. You will not be able to access membership content or participate in the private Facebook Group once your membership has been cancelled.

What is your cancellation policy after the 14 day return policy?

You may cancel at anytime, no questions asked! It's simple to do and can be done within the Teachable platform. Be sure to note the day of the month (or year) that you enrolled and cancel before your next billing date which will be the same day each month (or year). Refunds will not be given outside of the 14 day initial return policy. Please note that the price you paid when you enrolled gets locked in upon your enrollment. If you cancel your membership and then decide to return, you will be subject to whatever price the membership is at that time.

Excited to Join? We Can't Wait to Meet You!

Join The Bountiful Artist Monthly Illustration Membership with Joanna Baker